nginx geo metricreporter
1、nginx geo metricreporter (Default nginx log format)
dashboard for nginx geo metricreporter (Default nginx log format)
Nginx Geo MetricsReporter :
Simple metrcis reporter with Python for track visitors’ location and where connected to Nginx webservice.
How it works
Nginx-parser, parsing Nginx access.log line by line, after recognizing any change in log file, a post request will be sent with some data like $remote_addr and $host to the Metricsreporter Webservice. Metricsreporter will grab information from Geo dataset with previous step data and make that a metrics for Proemtheus on /metrics.
2、nginx geo metricreporter (Custom nginx log format)
作者:Jeebiz 创建时间:2023-02-21 10:36
最后编辑:Jeebiz 更新时间:2024-02-26 11:18
最后编辑:Jeebiz 更新时间:2024-02-26 11:18