Node Exporter 快速入门

Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.

一、部署 node_exporter

下载 node_exporter


cd /usr/local/src && tar -zxvf node_exporter-1.5.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv node_exporter-1.5.0.linux-amd64 /usr/local/node_exporter;
cd /usr/local/node_exporter;


[root@192 node_exporter]# ./node_exporter -h
usage: node_exporter [<flags>]

  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
                                 Regexp of arp devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
                                 Regexp of arp devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
                                 Expose expensive priority stats.
      --collector.cpu.guest      Enables metric node_cpu_guest_seconds_total       Enables metric cpu_info
                                 Filter the `flags` field in cpuInfo with a value that must be a regular expression
                                 Filter the `bugs` field in cpuInfo with a value that must be a regular expression
                                 Regexp of diskstats devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
                                 Regexp of diskstats devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
                                 Regexp of ethtool devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
                                 Regexp of ethtool devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
                                 Regexp of ethtool stats to include.
                                 Regexp of mount points to exclude for filesystem collector.
                                 Regexp of filesystem types to exclude for filesystem collector.
                                 Comma separated list for IPVS backend stats labels.
                                 Regexp of net devices to ignore for netclass collector.
                                 Ignore devices where the speed is invalid. This will be the default behavior in 2.x.
                                 Use netlink to gather stats instead of /proc/net/dev.
                                 Expose the statistics for each network device, replacing netdev collector.
                                 Regexp of net devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
                                 Regexp of net devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
                                 Collect address-info for every device
                                 Use (incompatible) metric names that provide more detailed stats on Linux
                                 Use netlink to gather stats instead of /proc/net/dev.
                                 Regexp of fields to return for netstat collector.
                                 NTP server to use for ntp collector
                                 UDP port number to connect to on NTP server
                                 NTP protocol version
                                 Certify that collector.ntp.server address is not a public ntp server
      --collector.ntp.ip-ttl=1   IP TTL to use while sending NTP query
                                 Max accumulated distance to the root
                                 Offset between local clock and local ntpd time to tolerate
      --path.procfs="/proc"      procfs mountpoint.
      --path.sysfs="/sys"        sysfs mountpoint.
      --path.rootfs="/"          rootfs mountpoint."/run/udev/data"
                                 udev data path.
      --collector.perf.cpus=""   List of CPUs from which perf metrics should be collected
      --collector.perf.tracepoint=COLLECTOR.PERF.TRACEPOINT ...
                                 perf tracepoint that should be collected
                                 Regexp of power supplies to ignore for powersupplyclass collector.
                                 test fixtures to use for qdisc collector end-to-end testing
                                 Regexp of qdisk devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
                                 Regexp of qdisk devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
                                 Enables service unit metric unit_start_time_seconds
                                 Path to runit service directory.
      --collector.stat.softirq   Export softirq calls per vector
                                 XML RPC endpoint.
      --collector.sysctl.include=COLLECTOR.SYSCTL.INCLUDE ...
                                 Select sysctl metrics to include
      --collector.sysctl.include-info=COLLECTOR.SYSCTL.INCLUDE-INFO ...
                                 Select sysctl metrics to include as info metrics
                                 Regexp of systemd units to include. Units must both match include and not match exclude to be included.
                                 Regexp of systemd units to exclude. Units must both match include and not match exclude to be included.
                                 Enables service unit tasks metrics unit_tasks_current and unit_tasks_max
                                 Enables service unit metric service_restart_total
                                 Enables service unit metric unit_start_time_seconds
                                 Regexp of devices to ignore for tapestats.""
                                 Directory to read text files with metrics from.
                                 Regexp of fields to return for vmstat collector.
                                 test fixtures to use for wifi collector metrics
      --collector.arp            Enable the arp collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.bcache         Enable the bcache collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.bonding        Enable the bonding collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.btrfs          Enable the btrfs collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.buddyinfo      Enable the buddyinfo collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.cgroups        Enable the cgroups collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.conntrack      Enable the conntrack collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.cpu            Enable the cpu collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.cpufreq        Enable the cpufreq collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.diskstats      Enable the diskstats collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.dmi            Enable the dmi collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.drbd           Enable the drbd collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.drm            Enable the drm collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.edac           Enable the edac collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.entropy        Enable the entropy collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.ethtool        Enable the ethtool collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.fibrechannel   Enable the fibrechannel collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.filefd         Enable the filefd collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.filesystem     Enable the filesystem collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.hwmon          Enable the hwmon collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.infiniband     Enable the infiniband collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.interrupts     Enable the interrupts collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.ipvs           Enable the ipvs collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.ksmd           Enable the ksmd collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.lnstat         Enable the lnstat collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.loadavg        Enable the loadavg collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.logind         Enable the logind collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.mdadm          Enable the mdadm collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.meminfo        Enable the meminfo collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.meminfo_numa   Enable the meminfo_numa collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.mountstats     Enable the mountstats collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.netclass       Enable the netclass collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.netdev         Enable the netdev collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.netstat        Enable the netstat collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.network_route  Enable the network_route collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.nfs            Enable the nfs collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.nfsd           Enable the nfsd collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.ntp            Enable the ntp collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.nvme           Enable the nvme collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.os             Enable the os collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.perf           Enable the perf collector (default: disabled).
                                 Enable the powersupplyclass collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.pressure       Enable the pressure collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.processes      Enable the processes collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.qdisc          Enable the qdisc collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.rapl           Enable the rapl collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.runit          Enable the runit collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.schedstat      Enable the schedstat collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.selinux        Enable the selinux collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.slabinfo       Enable the slabinfo collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.sockstat       Enable the sockstat collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.softnet        Enable the softnet collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.stat           Enable the stat collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.supervisord    Enable the supervisord collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.sysctl         Enable the sysctl collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.systemd        Enable the systemd collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.tapestats      Enable the tapestats collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.tcpstat        Enable the tcpstat collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.textfile       Enable the textfile collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.thermal_zone   Enable the thermal_zone collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.time           Enable the time collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.timex          Enable the timex collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.udp_queues     Enable the udp_queues collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.uname          Enable the uname collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.vmstat         Enable the vmstat collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.wifi           Enable the wifi collector (default: disabled).
      --collector.xfs            Enable the xfs collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.zfs            Enable the zfs collector (default: enabled).
      --collector.zoneinfo       Enable the zoneinfo collector (default: disabled).
                                 Path under which to expose metrics.
                                 Exclude metrics about the exporter itself (promhttp_*, process_*, go_*).
      --web.max-requests=40      Maximum number of parallel scrape requests. Use 0 to disable.
                                 Set all collectors to disabled by default.
      --runtime.gomaxprocs=1     The target number of CPUs Go will run on (GOMAXPROCS)
      --web.systemd-socket       Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
      --web.listen-address=:9100 ...
                                 Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
      --web.config.file=""       [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication.
      --log.level=info           Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
      --log.format=logfmt        Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]
      --version                  Show application version.

默认情况下,node_exporter 在以下端口提供 服务/metrics




使用 systemd方式启动
# cat >/usr/lib/systemd/system/node_exporter.service <<EOF

Description=Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.

ExecStart=/usr/local/node_exporter/node_exporter --web.listen-address=:9100
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s QUIT $MAINPID


# systemctl enable node_exporter
# systemctl restart node_exporter
# systemctl status node_exporter


[root@local ~]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@local ~]# systemctl disable node_exporter.service
[root@local ~]# systemctl enable node_exporter.service
[root@local ~]# systemctl start node_exporter.service
[root@local ~]# systemctl status node_exporter.service
[root@local ~]# systemctl stop node_exporter.service
[root@local ~]# systemctl restart node_exporter.service

二、在 prometheus.yaml 中添加 node_exporter 的配置

在 Prometheus 配置文件里,您可以按如下方式设置抓取配置

    - job_name: memcached # To get metrics about the memcached exporter’s targets
      # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
      # scheme defaults to 'http'.
        - targets: ["localhost:9150"]

作者:Jeebiz  创建时间:2023-02-19 21:08
最后编辑:Jeebiz  更新时间:2024-01-24 21:48